Monday, August 31, 2009

CRM Email Router and Forms Authentication

One of the single-most annoying issues when trying to get the CRM email router up and running is when you are trying to get the incoming connector to work and the OWA site in Exchange is set up to use Forms Authentication (which is nice for end users and doesn't work at all with the email router). The easiest solution I have found for Exchange 2007 is to simply create a second OWA site using Integrated Authentication and just use that for the email router, leaving the standard OWA site for end users and Forms Auth.

To this end, I will refer to a blog post here:

This post has a list of handy PowerShell commands you can run to create the new site and all the information you need to configure it with the email router. This site has helped me a number of times, and I'm posting it here mostly as a bookmark for myself so I don't lose it again!

In case this post ever goes away, the meat of the article is the following 4 commands (create a new IIS website FIRST):
  • New-OwaVirtualDirectory -OwaVersion:Exchange2007 -Name “owa” -WebSiteName “OWA-CRMRouter”
  • New-OwaVirtualDirectory -OwaVersion:Exchange2003or2000 -Name “Exchange” -WebSiteName “OWA-CRMRouter” -VirtualDirectoryType:Mailboxes
  • New-OwaVirtualDirectory -OwaVersion:Exchange2003or2000 -Name “Exadmin” -WebSiteName “OWA-CRMRouter” -VirtualDirectoryType:Exadmin
  • New-OwaVirtualDirectory -OwaVersion:Exchange2003or2000 -Name “Exchweb” -WebSiteName “OWA-CRMRouter” -VirtualDirectoryType:Exchweb
There is also more information on this page:

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Mappings between product line items

So this is a problem I've had to look up every time I have it, so I'm posting it here as a way to keep track. In order to map attributes between product line items (opportunity product to quote product to order product to invoice product), you have to access the secret mapping URL to set it up. Steps to perform:

1. Find the GUID of the mapping you need to edit. In the Org_MSCRM database, run this query:
select * from entitymapbase where targetentityname = 'salesorderdetail'
Obviously, you might need to change the target entity value - the above will return all of the relationships where the order line item is the target. This returns a column that shows the "source entity name", so for a mapping from quote product to order product, pick the line where the source is "quotedetail". Copy the EntityMapId from this row.

2. Enter the following URL into IE (modified with your servername):

Be sure to replace your server name for CRM, and put the GUID from step 1 at the end.

3. Create mappings and repeat as necessary!